March 01, 2018

Bottoms Up

I am an inversion addict! I admit it. I understand and am committed to living in the awareness that yoga is more than a physical practice. For the most part, I endeavour to find balance between yang and yin in my practice and life, but some days life just happens, and I skip parts of my practice. However, it is rare for me to skip going upside down at least once during the day.

Why? What are the benefits? I could give you the generic list that can be easily found through Google. Instead, I’ll tell you my inversion journey and story. So, . . . . . here it is!

February 15, 2018

The Practice of Yoga Begins Now

Beginnings are super exciting yet can also be paralyzingly scary. I get it! My mind loves to get involved (a bit too involved) before I even begin something. I want the excitement of something new, and the benefits that I envision RIGHT NOW! But, I get bogged down in the perceived details, the unfamiliar and the unknown, which sometimes prevents me from starting. This can happen when wanting to start a yoga practice. Having been approached for advice by a few people on how to get started with yoga, I've broken this beginning into three manageable steps.

January 01, 2018

Welcome 2018

As I take time to honour the beginning of this new year, I reflect on my word for 2018 to let it sink in. I gave up new year's resolutions long ago and instead choose a word to shape my year to come. In the beginning, I actively chose the words to reflect what I wanted to create. These last couple of years, the words have simply come to me, and I trust that I'm intuitively setting myself up for a state of mind, way of being, attitude, etc. that for whatever reason I will be needing that year.