April 21, 2017

Why Teacher Training

Yoga You4ia teacher trainers Roxanne & Salli
What yoga teachers do when they're not teaching at the studio . . . . . . have fun with yoga in other places!  

With just over a month until our teacher training at Yoga You4ia begins, I thought I would answer the question . . . . . Why take a yoga teacher training? I could give you all of the generic, general answers, but if you’re reading this, then I know that you have access to the internet and it’s easy for our friend Google to help you find those answers. Instead, I thought I’d share what motivated ME to do yoga teacher trainings.

Answer #1 – to develop and build a strong foundation in my practice
The first training I took was a 14-day intense 200hr Yoga Alliance certified course in Mexico. I had been practicing yoga steadily for five years and my practice made me feel good. I wanted to learn more, but I had no interest in teaching. I stayed in a tent, woke up every morning at 5AM to meditate and chant, had daily practices on the sand and made it into my first headstand without the assistance of a wall. I became stronger in my physical practice, developed better alignment and was introduced to the other limbs and aspects of what make up the system of yoga. This training created a strong base for my physical practice, helped me to really be in my body and showed me that yoga is essentially a way of life. True to my intention at the time, I didn’t teach, but used the knowledge I had gained to continue to delve deeper into my practice.

Answer #2 – to heal myself emotionally and begin the journey back to my true self
Three years later, I attended a 3-month 300hr Yoga Alliance certified training in the Philippines. As I entered my training, my physical practice continued to be steady, but life events had caused me to feel broken and my essence and my soul were shattered. Again, I entered the training with no intention to teach. I just wanted to become well. I lived on the beach, we didn’t always know when or where we would start in the morning, I subsisted on a diet of only brown rice for 10 days, and I not only learned about, but also actually felt and experienced the subtle, energetic anatomy of the body. This training was the catalyst for me to use yoga as a way to come back to myself. I learned about the amazingly comprehensive power of the breath, the onerous, yet rewarding task of harnessing the power of the mind and how much more important this work is in my yoga practice than the physical postures (which, . . . . don’t get me wrong, I still very much enjoy and work at!) I learned so much about yoga and myself after this training that I didn’t even consider trying to teach for a few months afterwards as I let the knowledge and teachings integrate into my being.

After two trainings, I didn’t intend to become a teacher, but when I finally made the decision to try it out, it just clicked. At the beginning of my time as a yoga teacher, I came across a teaching tip from Seane Corn that resonated with me. It continues to guide me in my teaching today.  She says “Do it [teaching] because the moment you open your mouth, or place your hands on someone's body, you feel, without a doubt, the undeniable presence of spirit lingering between each breath and moving within your touch. Teach to serve. Teach to share. Teach because it is your art, your communication with the world within, beyond, seen and unreal. This is what will continue to influence me as I co-teach this upcoming training along with the knowledge, skills and teachings that have been handed down to me.  

I may not teach yoga forever, but I know that I WILL practice and live yoga for the rest of my life. My teacher trainings gave me a strong foundation, the tools and the incentive for yoga to be my life. I am so excited for the group of people who have come together so far to be a part of our Yoga You4ia teacher training and look forward to seeing them embark on their own journeys. All of them have their own personal reasons and motivations for starting now. There is still time if you or anyone you know is interested in being a part of this, or have thought about joining. Feel free to contact me at shine8out@gmail.com or Salli at info@yogayou4ia.com if you have any questions or would like to learn more about this opportunity and offering.   


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