November 21, 2020

Sutra 1.50: Be You


Samadhi Pada: Yoga of Being in the Now
    1.50 Tajjah samskarah anya samskara pratibandhi
    • tajjah = arising from that / evolving from that
    • samskarah = false impressions / impressions of the past / mental impressions
    • anya = other / different
    • samskara = false impressions / impressions of the past / mental impressions
    • pratibandhi = obstruct / prevent / impede
Last week's sutras told us that deep down we know. From direct experiences, we hold in our heart a truth, or deep knowing, of what is correct and right for us at any given moment. Sutra 1.50 further expands on this by telling us that when we've tapped into our centre, and in this state that we've reached through our practices, we know who we truly and uniquely are. This sutra most specifically discloses that who we are isn't who our parents, or our peers, or society tells us we are. In fact, in this state, we move past the stories we've been telling ourselves of who we are and genuinely see the truth.

Let me give you an example. I've developed a story throughout my life that it is difficult for me to connect because I am too introverted, quiet and shy. This is a loop that has played numerous times in my mind and has created a deep groove that is sometimes difficult to crawl out of. It has become so ingrained that anytime I am in a new situation (whether intentionally or not), this loop always comes up to leave me feeling disconnected and lost. The other day while hiking solo in a mountain park behind our house, I realized how connected I have become to this mountain. I looked down at the lake below that I had spent almost every day on in summer and realized how connected I have become to this particular lake. I thought about how connected to nature and to this specific place I have become. I thought further about some of the other places around the world that I've had an instant or slowly developed connection to, and in that moment I realized that I AM, always have been and always will be connected! One thing that I have often longed for the most is one thing that I already am. For a moment, this story that I had created and have been embellishing my whole life was gone, and I was able to see the truth . . . in my introversion and quiet, I am always able to connect.

This insight and awareness lasted for a brief moment, it is most likely something that I will have to remind myself of, and it would be foolish to believe that it simply came to me out of the blue. But that's yoga - committing to the practice and trusting that this stripping away will eventually lead to small glimmers of what is real. I challenge you this week to notice what stories you may be creating about who you think you are, and then find stillness to recognize if these stores are even true. This isn't easy work, it's not always gratifying work, but speaking from my heartfelt experience, these glimmers of insight are always totally worth it, and who knows . . . . . you may just find yourself surprised with what you uncover!     

Sutra 1.50 (Wisdom) arising from that state obstructs other false impressions.  

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